
Radical (total) or partial nephrectomy (for trauma / tumour)

Nephrectomy is a procedure that involves the surgical removal of kidney, or part of the kidney. The procedure may be recommended if you have been diagnosed with kidney cancer. During nephrectomy, your doctor will make an incision in either the abdomen or side of the body, through which the kidney can be removed. In cases where the entire kidney needs to be removed, a radical nephrectomy is performed. In cases where only damaged tissue or certain areas of the kidney need to be removed, a partial nephrectomy is performed.

Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction repair

Ureteropelvic junction obstruction is a condition in which part of the kidney is blocked, causing an obstruction to the proper flow of urine out of the kidney. Because urine is slowed down or blocked from leaving the kidney, it can build up, causing severe damage. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, your doctor may recommend surgery, in which case the obstruction is removed and the ureter is attached to the renal pelvis. This creates a wider opening, allowing urine to drain more easily. The surgery is very effective in relieving symptoms and reducing the risk of a kidney infection.

Open nephrolithotomy

If you have been diagnosed with large kidney stones, and minimally invasive surgery has been unsuccessful, your doctor may recommend an open nephrolithotomy. During the procedure, your doctor will make an incision in the side of the body, so that the kidney can be accessed. An incision can then be made in the kidney, and the kidney stones can be removed. It is often necessary to remove kidney stones in this way if they are too large to pass out of the body through urination, or if they are blocking more than one branch of the kidney's collecting system.

Renorrhaphy (renal repair) after trauma

If you have suffered from kidney damage as a result of a traumatic injury, your doctor is likely to recommend renorrhaphy, or renal repair. During this procedure, the damaged tissue is stitched up to repair as much damage as possible. In some cases, renorrhaphy is not an appropriate treatment, and may be considered too risky. If this is the case, your doctor may recommend a partial or total nephrectomy, which involves the surgical removal of kidney, or part of the kidney.