Ureteric injury repair
Injuries to the ureter can be very serious, and typically require urgent treatment. For minor injuries, your doctor may choose to place a ureteral stent or a urine drainage tube. In this case, the stent may be placed through the bladder or kidney, and works by diverting the flow of urine so that it does not enter the ureter. The stent may be left in place for up to six weeks while the ureter heals. For more serious injuries, or in cases where the ureter does not heal with the use of a stent, reconstructive surgery may be necessary.
Excision as part of a nephroureterectomy
If you have been diagnosed with transitional cell cancer, your doctor may recommend an excision of the ureter. The procedure may form part of a surgery known as nephroureterectomy, which involves the removal of the bladder cuff, kidney, renal pelvis, and ureter. During the procedure, your doctor will make small incisions, through which tiny surgical tools and a robotic camera are inserted. Your doctor will use this specialised equipment to remove the kidney and ureter from the surrounding tissue. The kidney artery and vein are cut and divided, as are the ureter and bladder cuff. The kidney, ureter, and bladder cuff are all then placed inside a special bag and removed from the body through the site of an incision.
Repair of ureteric stenosis /ureteral fistula
Ureteric stenosis refers to the narrowing of the ureter, which serves as the connection between the bladder and the kidney. A ureteral fistula refers to an abnormal connection between the ureter and another organ, often causing urine to leak. In cases of either ureteric stenosis or a ureteral fistula, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure in which the abnormality can be repaired.
Open ureterolithotomy
If you have been diagnosed with ureteral stones, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure known as an open ureterolithotomy. Stones in the ureter need to be removed if they are too large to pass through urination, or if they are causing pain and bleeding. In some cases, ureteral stones can also cause infection, place pressure on the kidney and block the proper flow of urine, in which case your doctor will recommend that they are removed. During the procedure, your doctor will make an incision in your abdomen, through which the stones can be removed from the urinary tract. Open surgery is usually only recommended in cases where minimally-invasive methods have not been successful.
Ureteric re-implantation
Ureteric re-implantation is a procedure that is performed in order to repair the tubes that connect the bladder to the kidneys. During the procedure, the position of the tubes is adjusted to prevent urine from flowing into the kidneys. The procedure may be recommended in the case of an injury, which has caused the ureter to become dislodged. In this case, your doctor will move the ureter into its correct position. The surgery may also be performed for the treatment of a condition known as vesicoureteral reflux, which causes the abnormal flow of urine from the bladder into the kidneys.